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5 Self-care Tips for Caregivers

Caregiving Is a Journey That Many Canadians Go Through

If you feel overwhelmed when caring for an elderly parent or family member, please know that you are not alone. Over 8 million Canadians are currently caring for someone they love and about half of those individuals are caring for their parents or in-laws. It’s completely normal to feel overwhelmed and frustrated sometimes. Caregiving is often an emotional journey, filled with rewards and challenges. You may cherish the opportunity to give back to someone who once cared for you but feel constantly torn between your needs and theirs.

Caregiving Can Be Stressful & Demanding

Many caregivers experience high levels of stress and isolation that can affect both their mental and physical well-being. As a busy caregiver, you may end up neglecting your own needs like skipping meals or not getting enough sleep. According to an article from the Canadian Psychology Association, other symptoms of caregiver stress may include depression, anxiety, feeling helpless and/or hopeless, trouble concentrating, easily irritated and extreme exhaustion. On the flip side, the article also noted that many caregivers experience a stronger bond with their loved one, increased empathy/compassion, and a greater sense of purpose in life.

While it feels good to care for someone you love, managing the associated stress is critical to your overall well-being as a caregiver. So how do you reduce that stress? A great place to start is with self-care. Louise Bradley, the president of the Mental Health Commission, explains, “Caregivers are prone to putting their own mental wellness last. But no one can pour from an empty cup…caring for a loved one is noble, valuable work, but giving yourself the gift of self-care is priceless.”

Developing a Healthy Caregiving Routine

A good self-care routine can help you cope with stress and anxiety as you navigate through the caregiving role.  It’s important to note that self-care looks different for everyone – it can take the form of anything you need it to be! Finding ways to replenish your own internal well is deeply personal and there is no one size fits all option in self-care. However, there are a few good tips to help you get started on your own self-care journey. Here are 5 self-care tips for caregivers:

Try to do something you enjoy every day

Some personal staff favorites at Victoria Lifeline are exercising, nature walks, gardening, cooking, volunteering, a nice relaxing cup of tea, some cuddles with the family pet and reading a good book before bed.

Commit to a healthy lifestyle

Taking care of yourself will help you care for others. Exercise and a well-balanced diet can help replenish your own internal well.

Establish a good sleep routine

Rest and relaxation are important components of any self-care routine. A lack of sleep not only puts yourself at risk, but it also can hurt the very person who you are caring for. 

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

To avoid caregiver burnout, reach out to friends or other family members for help. It’s also a good idea to find other helpful resources in your community. Check out our free Senior Service Resource Guide.

Consider supportive devices

If you’re caring for an older adult or someone living with a chronic health condition, consider supportive devices like a medical alert pendant. The Victoria Lifeline service provides peace of mind to both the subscriber and the caregiver, giving you the opportunity to find respite knowing your loved one has access to help around the clock. To find the right service plan for your loved one or friend, visit our compare service plans page.

For caregiver mental health resources, please visit the Canadian Mental Health Association.

This article is meant to be informational in nature and should not replace the advice of a trained healthcare professional.

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