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Cognitive Health Exercises That Help Our Brain Stay Sharp

We often overlook cognitive health in our daily lives. But it’s really important for us to understand that it can play a pivotal role in maintaining a good quality of life, especially for seniors. It has a large role to play in various mental processes such as memory, problem-solving, and decision-making. Let’s talk about cognitive health, why it's crucial for seniors (as well as people of all ages), and explore the benefits of cognitive exercises and lifestyle choices.

What Is Cognitive Health?

Cognitive health refers to the ability of an individual's brain to efficiently perform essential functions like memory, learning, reasoning, problem-solving, and attention span. We can think of cognitive health like a well-tended garden. Just as a garden requires regular care, pruning, water and nourishment to flourish, our cognitive health needs constant attention through mental exercises, learning, and a healthy lifestyle to thrive as well.

The Importance of Cognitive Health for Seniors

It’s important to note that taking care of our cognitive health is important for everyone, not just older adults. Cognitive decline can happen at any age when the mind is not being taken care of and exercised. Evidence already shows a positive association with more screen time in children with cognitive decline. Cognitive health is particularly vital for seniors due to the natural aging process. As we age, our brains undergo changes that can lead to cognitive decline. This decline can result in difficulties with memory, reduced ability to learn new information, and a slower thinking process. These changes can impact daily life, making tasks we once found simple more challenging.

How can we help our brain stay sharp?

Numerous studies suggest that engaging in cognitive exercises can help maintain cognitive health. These exercises stimulate the brain, challenging it to adapt and grow. While the findings are promising, it's important that we mention that more research is needed to solidify these claims. Though many studies have found promising evidence that cognitive stimulation can improve cognitive health, the studies involved small sample sizes of people and could benefit from being longer. Most of these studies also mention that cognitive exercises require consistent practice, much like physical exercise, for noticeable benefits. Often showing great results in the short term, but unfortunately, results tend to diminish the longer the time passes since performing said exercises.

Scientists have stated that such activities may protect the brain by building a "cognitive reserve." They may aid the brain in becoming more adaptable in some mental functions so it can compensate for age-related brain changes and health conditions that affect the brain. If you want to take control of your cognitive health, here are some functional exercises you can incorporate into your life to help keep your mind-“garden” nourished and vibrant.

Crossword Puzzles, Sudoku & Other Similar Exercises 

These puzzles engage memory, problem-solving, and logical thinking. This is why our Education Facilitators (who are also certified in fall prevention) bring such puzzles to our free one-on-one consultations).* 

Brain-Training Apps 

There are so many apps designed to improve memory, attention, and cognitive function. Though some evidence does point to increased “screen time” as a cause for cognitive decline, it also states that it really depends on what we do in front of the screen. If all we do is spend our time on Facebook and watching various videos, then yes, this is the case. But, if we instead spend our time in front of the screen exercising our brain, evidence has shown that this can actually help improve cognitive functions.

Learning New Skills

Learning a new language, picking up a musical instrument, or a hobby challenges the brain and fosters continuous learning. Plus, it can be very fun and rewarding to be able to do something that you previously couldn’t!

Daily Exercises Can Only Do So Much!

Like most aspects of health, a holistic approach is best. Apart from exercises, are there other things we should think about and pursue to help our cognition? Of course! Some other things significantly impacting cognitive health are:

Your Diet

Eating a balanced diet that’s rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and other important nutrients supports your brain health.

Getting Enough Sleep

Making sure you’re getting enough sleep is really important for memory consolidation and overall cognitive function.

Physical Exercise

Regular physical activity improves blood flow to the brain and enhances cognitive function. In fact, the large majority of findings point to physical exercise as the most important thing when it comes to cognitive health.

Getting Regular Check-ups

Routine visits with your doctor for medical check-ups can help you identify and address cognitive health issues early.

Managing Your Stress 

Chronic stress can negatively impact cognitive health, so practicing relaxation techniques and consulting professionals when needed is important.

Hopefully, we now have a better understanding of why exercising and taking care of our brain is just as important as our body. Our cognitive health is just as important as our bone, heart or muscle health. Engaging in cognitive exercises and adopting a healthy lifestyle can help maintain mental sharpness. Yes, more research is still needed but as noted, the early evidence is promising! 

*Available in participating service areas

This article is meant to be informational in nature and should not replace the advice of a trained healthcare professional or financial professional. What works for some individuals, might be harmful to others. Consult a professional before making any significant changes.

Blog by: Maor Tsitrin, Marketing & Communications Assistant

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